Naked women mod skyrim

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At the moment I have 'Local Disk (C:)' and 'New Volume (D:)' so I'm not sure which to choose, or how to choose it. Then it talks about installing the files on a different HD. What's a 'virtual mod'? It says 'select the folder where NMM will place extracted and installed mods.' But the one they suggest is on a different path than the one I already use. If I click on the next page, setting up new paths for mods and 'install info', will the game still load the mods I've already installed in another path? (I usually just install them myself - textures in the data/texture folder, etc.) I opened the NMM, but it gives an error message saying 'You need to setup the paths where Nexus Mod Manager will store mod archives (mod archives? What's that?), the mod installation registry, (whatever that is) and where the mod files are installed.